Erstelle dir dein Korallen-Package: Wähle deine Lieblingskorallen aus unserem Sortiment aus:
Acropora hyacinthus `pink´
Acropora sp. `marineblau´
Acropora muricata `grün´
Acropora sp. `hellgrün´
Acropora tumida `Enzmann´
Acropora echinata `türkis´
Acropora sp. `pink´
Acropora sp. `hellblau´
Acropora echinata `blau´
Acropora sp. `tricolor´
Unsere Nachzuchtableger; vital & festgewachsen; gut an Aquarienverhältnisse angepasst;
keine Glasrosen & Trojaner!; gewachsen unter 100% Erneuerbaren Energien;
Create your coral package: Choose your favorite corals from our assortment:
Acropora hyacinthus `pink´
Acropora sp. `marineblau´
Acropora muricata `grün´
Acropora sp. `hellgrün´
Acropora tumida `Enzmann´
Acropora echinata `türkis´
Acropora sp. `pink´
Acropora sp. `hellblau´
Acropora echinata `blau´
Acropora sp. `tricolor´
Well grown coral frag, in vital shape and well adapted to aquarium conditions.
Cultivated under 100 % Renewable Energy!
We exclusively propagate our own grown corals – no sale and passage of import corals.
Therefore, we have no Aiptasia, parasitic flatworms, or other Trojan organisms in our aquarium facility!