Lecture by marine biologist Stephan Moldzio, on 27.11.2019, 18:30 as part of the TU FOR FUTURE lecture series on human-induced climate change.

Coral reefs, one of the most biodiverse and complex ecosystems on Earth, will be threatened by global warming and ocean acidification as early as this century. Even at current levels of global warming of around 1°C, we are already seeing coral bleaching, dramatic reductions in coral cover and declines in biodiversity around the world. After a brief description of the interrelationships between the climate system, the oceans and global material cycles, the effects of anthropogenic global warming on coral reefs are discussed. Can we still stop their decline? – Discussion afterwards.”



Live corals of various genera were displayed in a small marine aquarium, as well as bleached coral skeletons. The talk can be viewed here. Here is the accompanying poster illustrating the connections.The lecture series was organised by StudentsForFuture and the AStA of the TU Braunschweig in cooperation with the presidium of the TU Braunschweig.



From Wednesday, 30. 10. 2019, a weekly lecture series on human-induced climate change will take place in room SN 19.1 at TU Braunschweig from 18:30 to 20:00. Each week a different topic on climate change will be presented by experts in their field. The event is open to the public and everyone without exception is cordially invited! (For students, continuous participation will also be rewarded with one credit point (1 CP).

Timetable (Stand 18.10.)

30.10.19 – General introduction (polluters, facts, consequences) – Stephan Weber (TU BS)
06.11.19 – Sustainable urban development – Larisa Tsvetkova (TU BS)
13.11.10 – Traffic Revolution – Martin Scheidt (TU BS)
20.11.19 – Food and Agriculture – Colette Vogeler (TU BS)
27.11.19 – Effects of climate change on coral reefs – Stephan Moldzio (Reef Check)
04.12.19 – Climate change and capitalism – Hans Rackwitz (Uni Jena) 11.12.19 – Sustainable mobility management – Martin Lanzendorf (Uni Frankfurt)
18.12.19 – Alternative energy systems – Ulrike Krewer (TU BS)
08.01.20 – Geoengineering and Climate Justice – Janine Korduan (Böll Foundation)
15.01.20 – Waste and Recycling – Michael Braungart (EPEA Hamburg)
 22.01.20 – Political control measures – Michael Pahle (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
29.01.20 – Climate protection and jobs – Garnet Alps, IG Metall Braunschweig
05.02.20 – Panel discussion “What can we do? – tbc